2. CpG_anno_position.py

2.1. Description

This program adds annotation information to each CpG based on its genomic position.

2.2. Notes

  • Input CpG (-i) and annotation (-a) BED files must have at least three columns, and must based on the same genome assembly version

  • If multiple regions from the annotation BED file are overlapped with the same CpG site, their names will be concatenated together.

  • Since the input (-i) is a regular BED foramt file, this module can be uesd to annotate any genomic regions of interest.

2.3. Pre-computed datasets

hg19_ENCODE_338TF_130Cell_E3.bed.gz (File size = 108.2 MB)

Transcription factor (TF) binding sites identified from ChIP-seq experiments performed by the ENCODE project. Peaks from 1264 experiments representing 338 transcription factors in 130 cell types are combined (N = 10,560,472). BED format file was downloaded from the UCSC Tabel Browser.

hg19_ENCODE_DNaseI_125Cells_V3.bed.gz (File size = 24.3 MB)

DNase I hypersensitivity sites identified from ENCODE DNase-seq experiments. Peaks from 125 cell types are combined (N = 1,867,665). BED format file was downloaded from the UCSC Tabel Browser.

hg19_ENCODE_chromHMM_states_9Cells.merge.bed.gz (File size = 32.7 MB)

Chromatin State Segmentation by chromHMM from ENCODE. Chromatin states across 9 cell types (GM12878, H1-hESC, K562, HepG2, HUVEC, HMEC, HSMM, NHEK, NHLF) were learned by computationally by integrating 9 factors (CTCF, H3K27ac, H3K27me3, H3K36me3, H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K9ac, H4K20me1 ) plus input. A total of 15 states were identified, include: State-1 (Active Promoter), state-2 (Weak Promoter), state-3 (Inactive/poised Promoter), state-4 and 5 (Strong enhancer), state-6 and 7 (Weak/poised enhancer), state-8 (insulator), state-9 (Transcriptional transition), state-10 (Transcriptional elongation), state-11 (Weak transcribed), state-12 (Polycomb-repressed), state-13 (Heterochromatin or low signal), state-14 and 15 (Repetitive/Copy Number Variation). Orignal chromatin state BED file was downloaded the UCSC Tabel Browser.


PHANTOM5 human permissive enhancers downloaded from here.

hg19_ENCODE_H3K4me1_11_cellLines_ChIP.bed.gz (File size = 12.2 MB)

H3K4me1 (marker of active and primed enhancer) peaks identified from ENCODE histone ChIP-seq experiments. Peaks from 11 cell types (GM12878, H1-hESC, HMEC, HSMM, HUVEC, HeLaS3, HepG2, K562, Monocytes-CD14+_RO01746, NHEK, NHLF) are combined (N = 1,435,550)

hg19_ENCODE_H3K4me3_11_cellLines_ChIP.bed.gz (File size = 4.5 MB)

H3K4me3 (marker of promoter) peaks identified from ENCODE histone ChIP-seq experiments. Peaks from 11 cell types (GM12878, H1-hESC, HMEC, HSMM, HUVEC, HeLaS3, HepG2, K562, Monocytes-CD14+_RO01746, NHEK, NHLF) are combined (N = 525,824)

hg19_ENCODE_H3K27ac_11_cellLines_ChIP.bed.gz (File size = 5.7 MB)

H3K27ac (marker of active enhancer) peaks identified from ENCODE histone ChIP-seq experiments. Peaks from 11 cell types (GM12878, H1-hESC, HMEC, HSMM, HUVEC, HeLaS3, HepG2, K562, Monocytes-CD14+_RO01746, NHEK, NHLF) are combined (N = 665,650)

These BED files were lifted over to hg38/GRCh38 using CrossMap. The hg38-based annotation files are available from here

2.4. Options


show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-i INPUT_FILE, --input_file=INPUT_FILE

Input CpG file in BED3+ format.

-a ANNO_FILE, --annotation=ANNO_FILE

Input annotation file in BED3+ format.


Size of window centering on the middle-point of each genomic region defined in the annotation BED file (i.e., window_size*0.5 will be extended to up- and down-stream from the middle point of each genomic region). default=100

-o OUT_FILE, --output=OUT_FILE

The prefix of the output file.

-l, --header

If True, the first row of input CpG file is header. default=False

2.6. Command

$CpG_anno_position.py  -l -a hg19_ENCODE_338TF_130Cell_E3.bed.gz -i test_01.hg19.bed6 -o output

2.7. Output files

  • output.anno.txt

$ head -5 output.anno.txt
#Chrom Start   End     Name    Beta    Strand  hg19_ENCODE_338TF_130Cell_E3.bed
chr1   10847   10848   cg26928153      0.8965  +       N/A
chr1   10849   10850   cg16269199      0.7915  +       N/A
chr1   15864   15865   cg13869341      0.9325  +       N/A
chr1   534241  534242  cg24669183      0.7941  +       FOXA2,MNT