9. beta_PCA.py

9.1. Description

This program performs PCA (principal component analysis) for samples.

Example of input data file

ID     Sample_01       Sample_02       Sample_03       Sample_04
cg_001 0.831035        0.878022        0.794427        0.880911
cg_002 0.249544        0.209949        0.234294        0.236680
cg_003 0.845065        0.843957        0.840184        0.824286

Example of input group file



  • Rows with missing values will be removed

  • Beta values will be standardized into z scores

  • Only the first two components will be visualized

  • Variance% explained by each component will be printed to screen

9.2. Options


show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-i INPUT_FILE, --input_file=INPUT_FILE

Tab-separated data frame file containing beta values with the 1st row containing sample IDs and the 1st column containing CpG IDs.


Comma-separated group file defining the biological groups of each sample. Different groups will be colored differently in the PCA plot.


Number of components. default=2

-o OUT_FILE, --output=OUT_FILE

The prefix of the output file.

9.4. Command

$beta_PCA.py -i cirrHCV_vs_normal.data.tsv -g cirrHCV_vs_normal.grp.csv -o HCV_vs_normal

9.5. Output files

  • HCV_vs_normal.PCA.r

  • HCV_vs_normal.PCA.tsv

  • HCV_vs_normal.PCA.pdf
