18. beta_trichotmize.py

18.1. Description

Rather than using a hard threshold to call “methylated” or “unmethylated” CpGs or regions, this program uses a probability approach (Bayesian Gaussian Mixture model) to trichotmize beta values into three status:

Un-methylatedlabeled as “0” in the result file

Both the homologous chromosomes (i.e. The maternal and paternal chromosomes) are unmethylated.

Semi-methylatedlabeled as “1” in the result file

Only one of the homologous chromosomes is methylated. This is also called allele-specific methylation or imprinting. Note: semi-methylation here is different from hemimethylation, which refers to “one of two (complementary) strands is methylated”.

Full-methylatedlabeled as “2” in the result file

Both the homologous chromosomes (i.e., The maternal and paternal chromosomes) are methylated.

unassignedlabeled as “-1” in the result file

CpGs failed to assigned to the three categories above.

18.2. Algorithm

As described above, in somatic cells, most CpGs can be grouped into 3 categories including “Un-methylated”, “Semi-methylated (imprinted)” and “Full-methylated”. Therefore, the Beta distribution of CpGs can be considered as the mixture of 3 Gaussian distributions (i.e. components). beta_trichotmize.py first estimates the parameters (mu1, mu2, mu3) and (s1, s2, s3) of the 3 components using expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm, then it calculates the posterior probabilities ( p0, p1, and p2) of each component given the beta value of a CpG.


the probability that the CpG belongs to un-methylated component.


the probability that the CpG belongs to semi-methylated component.


the probability that the CpG belongs to full-methylated component.

The classification will be made using rules:

if p0 == max(p0, p1, p2):
elif p2 == max(p0, p1, p2):
elif p1 == max(p0, p1, p2):
       if p1 >= prob_cutoff:

18.3. Options


show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-i INPUT_FILE, --input_file=INPUT_FILE

Input plain text file containing beta values with the 1st row containing sample IDs (must be unique) and the 1st column containing probe IDs (must be unique).


Probability cutoff to assign a probe into “semi- methylated” class. default=0.99

-r, --report

If True, generates “summary_report.txt” file. default=False


The seed used by the random number generator. default=99

18.4. Input files (examples)

18.5. Command

$beta_trichotmize.py -i test_05_TwoGroup.tsv -r

18.6. Output files

  • .results.txt for each sample

  • summary_report.txt

$ head CirrHCV_01.results.txt

#Prob_of_0: Probability of CpG belonging to un-methylation group
#Prob_of_1: Probability of CpG belonging to semi-methylation group
#Prob_of_2: Probability of CpG belonging to full-methylation group
#Assigned_lable: -1 = 'unassigned', 0 = 'un-methylation', 1 = 'semi-methylation', 2 = 'full-methylation'
Probe_ID       Beta_value      Prob_of_1       Prob_of_0       Prob_of_2       Assigned_lable
cg00000109     0.8776539440000001      0.05562534330044164     3.673659573888142e-93   0.9443746566995583      2
cg00000165     0.239308082     0.999222373166152       0.0007776268338481155   1.3380168478281785e-21  1
cg00000236     0.8951333909999999      0.052142920095512614    3.5462722261710256e-97  0.9478570799044873      2
cg00000292     0.783661275     0.22215555206863843     1.46921724055509e-72    0.7778444479313614      2
cg00000321     0.319783971     0.9999999909047641      9.09523558157906e-09    1.4703488768311725e-16  1

$ cat summary_report.txt

#means of components
Subject_ID     Unmethyl        SemiMethyl      Methyl
CirrHCV_01     0.0705891104729628      0.4949428535816466      0.8694861885234295
CirrHCV_02     0.06775600800214297     0.5018649959502874      0.8731195740516192
CirrHCV_03     0.07063205540113326     0.49795240946021674     0.8730234341971185

#Weights of components

Subject_ID     Unmethyl        SemiMethyl      Methyl
CirrHCV_01     0.27231055290074735     0.35186129618859385     0.3758281509106588
CirrHCV_02     0.2623073658620772      0.36736674559925425     0.37032588853866855
CirrHCV_03     0.2659211619015646      0.3563058727320757      0.37777296536635974

#Converge status and n_iter

Subject_ID     Converged       n_iter
CirrHCV_01     True    35
CirrHCV_02     True    37
CirrHCV_03     True    34

Below histogram and piechart showed the proportion of CpGs assigned to “Un-methylated”, “Semi-methylated” and “Full-methylated”.
