14. beta_stacked_barplot.py

14.1. Description

This program creates stacked barplot for each sample. The stacked barplot showing the proportions of CpGs whose beta values are falling into these four ranges:

  1. [0.00, 0.25] #first quantile

  2. [0.25, 0.50] #second quantile

  3. [0.50, 0.75] #third quantile

  4. [0.75, 1.00] #forth quantile

Example of input file

CpG_ID  Sample_01       Sample_02       Sample_03       Sample_04
cg_001  0.831035        0.878022        0.794427        0.880911
cg_002  0.249544        0.209949        0.234294        0.236680

14.2. Options


show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-i INPUT_FILE, --input_file=INPUT_FILE

Data frame file containing beta values with the 1st row containing sample IDs and the 1st column containing CpG IDs.

-o OUT_FILE, --output=OUT_FILE

The prefix of the output file.

14.3. Input files (examples)

14.4. Command

$beta_stacked_barplot.py -i cirrHCV_vs_normal.data.tsv -o stacked_bar

14.5. Output files

  • stacked_bar.r

  • stacked_bar.pdf
